8 Cecilio Ave, Kingston 10, Jamaica W.I. Phone: 1 (876) 324-0606
International Management Consultant
Corporate Governance Expert
Author, Scholar and Entrepreneur


Home Library Publications

List of Publications

Books & Book Chapters

  1. Book:

Kerr, V. L. (2005). Effective Corporate Governance: An Emerging Market (Caribbean) Perspective on Governing Corporations in a Disparate World. USA: Outskirts Press. (326 pages). https://www.amazon.com/Effective-Corporate-Governance-Perspective-Corporations/dp/1598001671

  1. Book Chapters:

Kerr, V. L. (2017). Corruption in the Caribbean: A Cause for Action. In: Ann Marie Bissessar & Sylwyn Ryan (Eds.), Snapshots on Governance: The Caribbean Experience,pp.152-175. https://libraries.sta.uwi.edu/eresources/book/1

Kerr, V. L. (2017). The Many Faces of Whstleblowing. In: Ann Marie Bissessar & Sylwyn Ryan (Eds.), Snapshots on Governance: The Caribbean Experience, pp. 129-151. https://libraries.sta.uwi.edu/eresources/book/1

Kerr, V. L., Jayawardena, C., and McDavid, H. (2007). A Strategic Approach for Agro-Tourism in the Caribbean. In Jayawardena, C. (Ed.), Caribbean Tourism: Special Interests And Communities. Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Publishers, pp.157-167. https://www.mona.uwi.edu/msbm/strategic-approach-agro-tourism-caribbean

Kerr, V. L. (2007). Towards A Jamaican Corporate Governance Framework.
In: Cowell, N.M., Campbell, A., Chen, G., and Moore, S. (Eds.), Ethical Perspectives for Caribbean Business. Kingston, Jamaica: Arawak Publications, pp. 141-162.

Kerr, V.L. (2005). The Company Secretary: Vanguard of Effective Corporate Governance. In: The Association of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators in Jamaica 50th Anniversary Publication, pp.15-19

Kerr, V. L. (2004). Corporate Governance in the Context of Globalization: Failures Drive Reform. In: Corporate Governance Challenges in a Disparate World – Driving Globalization Without its Discontent. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Corporate Governance. World Council for Corporate Governance, pp. 17-25.

  1. Papers:

Papers Submitted to Journals (Awaiting Response):

  1. Toward a Model Code of Corporate Governance: A Case from the Caribbean,
  2. The Nexus between Ethics and Law: An International Perspective

Actually Published:

Kerr, V. L. (2016). Jamaica’s Response to Public Bodies’ Corporate Governance Challenges: From Innovation to Implementation. CAPAM Innovation Review. Vol. 22, No. 3, December, pp. 32-50. https://www.capam.org/files/CIRdecember2016.pdf

Kerr, V. L. (2010). Exploring Corporate Governance Structures and Practices and Jamaica: Towards Policy Reform (Doctoral Thesis). University of Manchester; Manchester Business School, England. (356 pages). https://www.escholar.manchester.ac.uk/uk-ac-man-scw:90523  Kerr, V. L. (2003).

Effective Board Stewardship for State-owned Enterprises and NGOs: A Training Manual for Company Directors. Kingston, Jamaica: Centre for Corporate Governance & Competitive Strategy. (60 pages)

Kerr, V. L. (2006). Why Companies Must Employ Risk Management. The Sunday Gleaner, C9, 29/01

Kerr, V. L. (2005). Making Corporate Governance Work Better – Suggestions for the Prime Minister, The Sunday Business (Gleaner), pp. C7, 17/07

Kerr, V. L. (2005). Corporate Governance Under Siege (Part 2). The Governance Forum with Vindel Kerr, Financial Gleaner, pp. 17 & 18, 18/03

Kerr, V. L. (2005). Corporate Governance Under Siege (Part 1). The Governance Forum with Vindel Kerr, Financial Gleaner, pp. 8, 04/03

Kerr, V. L. (2005). Directors and Executives’ Remuneration. (Part 2)Governance Forum with Vindel Kerr, Financial Gleaner, pp. 29, 25/02/ http://newspaperarchive.com/jm/kingston/kingston/kingston-gleaner/2005/02-25/page-135

Kerr, V. L. (2005). Directors and Executives’ Remuneration (Part 1) Governance Forum with Vindel Kerr, Financial Gleaner, pp. 5, 18/02

Kerr, V. L. (2004). Corporate Leaders Need Training Too: Governance and the Modern Corporation. The New Executive Times, Trinidad and Tobago, 08/08.

Kerr, V. L. (2004). The New Executive Times, Trinidad and Tobago, pp. 66-67, 24/10.

Kerr, V. L. (2003). Governance, Much Discussed, Little Understood. Financial Gleaner, pp.5, 12/12

Kerr, V. L. (2003). The Hottest Trends in Global Corporate Governance: Who Will Come to Jamaica’s Rescue? Financial Gleaner, pp. 4 and 23, 31/10

Kerr, V. L. (2003). The Risks of Corporate Board Directorship. Financial Gleaner, pp. 5 and 16, 08/08. http://old.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20030808/business/business3.html

Kerr, V. L. (2003). Does Good Corporate Governance Impact Company Bottom-line? Financial Gleaner, pp. 4 and 29. http://old.jamaica- gleaner.com/gleaner/20030307/business/business2.html

Kerr, V. L. (2003). Corporate Disclosure Critical to Good Governance. Financial Gleaner, 5 and 20, 04/04. http://old.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20030404/business/business7.html

Kerr, V. L. (2003). Who Monitors The Board? Financial Gleaner, pp.5 and 28. http://old.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20030328/business/business2.html

Kerr, V. L. (2003). The Contest for Corporate Control of Kingston Wharves. Financial Gleaner, pp. 5 and 2, 07/02. http://old.jamaicagleaner.com/gleaner/20030207/business/business11.html

Kerr, V. L. (2003). Shareholders Rights Threatened by Boardroom Cowboys. Financial Gleaner, pp. 12, 03/01. http://old.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20030103/business/business3.html

Kerr, V. L. (2003). Beyond The Meltdown: Why Corporate Governance Now. Financial Gleaner, 17/01. http://old.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20030117/business/business3.html

Kerr, V. L. (2002). Towards a Framework Inclusive of Governance. Financial Gleaner, pp.6 and 27, 06/12

Kerr, V. L. (2002). Greater Boardroom Independence and Accountability. Financial Gleaner, pp. 4 and 29, 29/11

Kerr, V. L. (2002). Strategic Governance and the Newly-listed Company. Financial Gleaner, pp5 and 28, 22/11

Kerr, V. L. (2002). The Changing Nature of the Jamaican Corporate Boardroom. Financial Gleaner, pp.5, 01/11

Kerr, V. L. (2002). Global Governance and the Need for Local Reform. Financial Gleaner, pp. 4 and 29, 25/10

Kerr, V. L. (2002). Jamaica’s Competitiveness and Globalisation. Financial Gleaner, pp. 4 and 21 18/10 https://www.valuehorizon.com/news/articles/365873/jamaicas-competitiveness-globalisation/  

Kerr, V. L. (2002). IMF Gives Jamaica Failing Grade. Featured article –            The Sunday Gleaner, pp. G2 and G3, 22/09 http://www.jamaicaelections.com/general/2002/articles/20020922-2.html

Kerr, V. L. (2002). Banking and Investment Challenges: Time to Re-invent Strategy. Featured article – The Sunday Gleaner, pp. G6, 08/09

Kerr, V. L. (2001). Corporate Governance: Selection of Directors, Sunday Gleaner, pg. 5C 08/07.   http://old.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20010709/business/business2.html

Kerr, V. L. (2001).   Separating the Job of Chairman and Chief Executive Director. Sunday Gleaner, pp. 4C and 5c 15/07

Manuscripts in Preparation

  1. Books:
  • From Effective to the Transformational Governance, 2nd Edition
  1. Toward a Corporate Governance Code for Small-Island Developing States
  2. Corporate Governance: Theory, Practice and Policy
  3. Critical Readings in Business Ethics for the Caribbean
    1. Papers intended for peer-reviewed publications (completed or near completion):
  • The Nexus Between Law and Ethics: An Analysis of the Companies Act of Trinidad and Tobago 1995 (26 pages) (completed)
  • Whistleblowing as a Strategic Process and Tool in Fighting Public Sector Corruption (near completion)
  1. Access to (of Freedom) of Information Legislation: Improving Governance and Disclosure (near completion)

Conference Contribution and Papers Presented

  1. Host, Co-Chair and Discussant
  1. Co-hosted, Co-chaired and Initiator. Conference Theme: Taking Corporate Governance Beyond the Boardroom, GovStrat Limited in Association with Jamaica Employers Federation (JEF), Knutsford Court Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, October 25, 2005. (20 pages). http://newspaperarchive.com/jm/kingston/kingston/kingston-gleaner/2005/10-02/page-31
  2. Chaired and Hosted. Launch of Jamaica Chapter of the World Council for Corporate Governance, Knutsford Court Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, October 24, 2005. http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20051028/social/social5.html
  • Hosted Conference & Book Launch: Examining the Qualities of the Next Prime Minister: Improving Corporate and Political Governance in Jamaica, Knutsford Court Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, April 4, 2015. Book: Effective Corporate Governance: An Emerging Market (Caribbean) Perspective of Governing Corporations in a Disparate World. http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20051028/social/social5.html
  1. Expert Panelist: Can there be Universal Corporate Governance Principles? Corporate Secretaries International Association (CSIA) 2nd International Corporate Governance Roundtable, Deloitte Conference Centre, 35th Floor Training Room, 1633 Broadway, New York, NY, October 17, 2012
  2. Discussant: Corporate Governance & Director’s Responsibilities. Jamaica Stock Exchange Inaugural Regional Conference on Investments and Capital Markets, January 17-19, 2016, Half Moon Rose Hall, Montego Bay, Jamaica
  3. Discussant: Electronic Finance and E-Business. The Inaugural International Conference on Business, Banking, & Finance. Trinidad Hilton & Conference Centre, Trinidad & Tobago, April 27-29, 2004


Kerr, V. L. (2016). Jamaica’s Response to Public Bodies’ Corporate Governance

Challenges: From Innovation to Implementation, CAPAM 2016 Biennial Conference, Putrajaya, Malaysia, August 18-20. ( 26 pages) https://www.capam.org/files/CIRdecember2016.pdf (pages 32-50).

Kerr, V. L (2014). Improving Organizational Governance and Ethics. The Caribbean Association of Audit Committee Members (CAACM) 8th Annual Conference & General Meeting, July 10-11, Hilton Trinidad and Conference Centre, Trinidad and Tobago. (20 pages)

Kerr, V. L. (2013)(Keynote Address). Re-thinking Governance of State-Controlled Higher

Education Institutions. Board of Governors Meeting of the University of Technology (UTECH), Kingston, Jamaica. (18 pages). www.utech.edu.jm/about/pdfs/AnnReport12-13.pdf.

Kerr, V. L. (2012) (Keynote Address). Public Sector Efficiency. Eleventh Annual Trade and Investment Conference of the American Chamber of Commerce on Governance: Imperatives for the Next Fifty Years-Breaking the Entitlement Syndrome. November 28, 2012, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Trinidad and Tobago. (20 pages)

Kerr, V. L. (2011). The Role and Practice of Competitive Intelligence & Analysis in an Era of Global Agricultural Trade. The 2nd Caribbean Fine Cocoa Conference and Chocolate Expo, Ritz – Carlton Golf & Spa Resort, Rose Hall, Jamaica, September 15-16 (15 pages)

Kerr, V. L. (2011). The Role of the Board of Directors in Enterprise Risk Management.

Caribbean Association of Audit Committee (CAAC) –5th Annual Meeting and Conference, Hyatt Regency, Trinidad and Tobago, July 13-15 (25 pages)

Kerr, V. L. (2008). The Role of Corporate Governance in HR. Keynote Address: Human Resource Development ConferenceSuriname, S.A., November 11. (12 pages)

Kerr, V. L. (2007). Developments in Corporate Governance: A Caribbean Perspective.
Sponsored research paper presented at the 25th Annual Conference of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of the Caribbean. Marriott, St. Kitts, W.I., June 28th-30th.
(20 pages). http://www.icac.org.jm/pdf/25_2.pdf

Kerr, V. L. (2006).  A Corporate Governance Solution for Development Finance Institutions   of  the Caribbean. Sponsored research paper presented at Development Banking Conference, Providenciales. Turks & Caicos Islands, November 23-24. (22 pages)

Kerr, V. L. (2006). The Role of Corporate Governance in Ensuring the Three Es (as these relate to Efficiency, Effectiveness & Economy). Keynote Address: Ministry of Finance & Planning Symposium. Jamaica Conference Centre, Kingston (16 pages)

Kerr, V. L. (2005). Demystifying Corporate Governance. Paper presented at Jamaica Employers Federation Convention. Sunset Jamaica Grande Resort, Ocho Rios, May 19-22. (15 pages)

Kerr, V. L. (2005).  Towards Improved Boardroom Performance: Training and

Development of Company Directors. Paper discussed at the 6th International Conference on Corporate Governance. Regents Park, London, May 12-13.   (7 pages)

Kerr, V. L. (2004). Corporate Governance in the Context of Globalization: Failures Drive

Reform. Paper presented at The 5th International Conference on Corporate Governance,
hosted by the World Council for Corporate Governance. The Royal Horticultural Hall & Conference Centre, Westminster, London, May 13-14.  (9 pages)

Kerr, V. L. (2004). Access to Information Act 2002: Implications for Corporate and Political

Governance in JamaicaResearch Paper discussed (in absentia) at International Colloquium – Governing the Corporation: Mapping the Loci of Power in Corporate Governance. The Institute of Governance, Public Policy, and Social Research, Queen’s University, Belfast, September 20-21. (22 pages).

Kerr, V. L. (2004). Towards a Caribbean Corporate Governance Framework. Paper presented at the Inaugural International Conference on Business, Banking, & Finance. Trinidad Hilton & Conference Centre, Trinidad & Tobago, April 27-29. (21 pages)


Kerr, V. L. (2004). Role of the Board of Directors in an Era of Globalization. Presented at the Annual Seminar of the Association of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators: Jamaica’s Corporate Governance in an Era of Globalization. Hilton Hotel & Suites, Kingston, April 3. (14 pages)

Kerr, V. L. (2003). Towards a Corporate Governance Reform Agenda for Jamaica. Ethics Colloquium. The University of the West Indies, DOM/MSB, Mona Campus, Jamaica, February 22-23. (18 pages)

Kerr, V. L. (2002). Corporate Governance Realities in Jamaica: An Exploratory & Case

Study Approach. Paper presented at Effective Corporate Governance Certification Program for Directors, Commonwealth Association For Corporate Governance/Private Sector Organization of Jamaica. Grand Lido Sans Souci, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, July 18-23. (18 pages)

Kerr, V. L. (2002). Role of a National Science Park in Agricultural & Technological

Development. Keynote Address: The 13th Annual Conference of The Jamaican Society for Agricultural Scientists (JSAS). Bodles Research Station, Old Harbour, Jamaica, July 18. (20 pages)

Commissioned/Technical Reports Written:

  1. Board Evaluation Criteria and Scorecard. Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago, 2015/06 (20 pages)
  2. Strategic Plan 2012-2016. TECU Cooperative Credit Union Society Limited, 2012/02. (147 Pages)
  1. Corporate Governance Framework for Public Bodies for Jamaica, 2011. Cabinet Office, Jamaica. (IDB and Government of Jamaica Funded). (145 pages) (Full Report). http://www.ocg.gov.jm/ocg/sites/default/files/Revised%20Corporate%20Governance%20Framework%20 (Oct%202012).pdf (Summary)
  2. Clarifying the Role of Permanent Secretaries in the Operational Aspects of Public Bodies under their Watch. Tourism Enhancement Fund, Jamaica, 2009/06. (14 pages)
  1. Corporate Governance Principles & Practices and Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. Manual. British Caribbean Insurance Company Ltd., Jamaica, 2007/02. (45 pages)
  2. Training Manual for Local Government Councillors and Administrators (2003/07). (24 pages)

List of Current Research Activities

  1. Conducting field research: “An Exploratory Study of Effective Corporate Governance Practices among School Boards in Trinidad and Tobago”, carded for July 2017 completion.
  2. Developing Case Studies for publication (all advanced stages) into the following:
    1. The Socio-cultural, Economic, Health, Bio-Ethical Implications and Legal Framework of Child Marriage: The Case of Trinidad and Tobago
    2. The Life Sportt Scandal
  • The First Citizens Bank IPO Saga: A Case of Poor Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
  1. Access to ( Freedom of) Information: The Case of Jamaica

Research Funding Obtained:

  • TT$30,000 from the University of the West Indies Staff Research Fund to conduct research in the area of School Board Governance. This research project is scheduled to be concluded by July 31, 2017.
  • CAN$10,000.00 from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for hosting Seminar and book launch– “Improving Corporate and Political Governance in Jamaica: Who should be Jamaica’s next Prime Minister”, and the launch of the book, Effective Corporate Governance, April 4, 2005. The event attracted approximately 300 participants on-site and was aired live nationally and listened to be approximately 800,000 persons via live electronic radio broadcast in additional to an undetermined number via live internet stream worldwide.
  • US $31,000.00 in research assistance from Jamaican private and public sector companies towards doctoral research fieldwork and the publication of Effective Corporate Governance during

Statement of Public, Professional and Extra Departmental Service:

  1. Extra Departmental, Public and Professional Service
  • Ethics in Finance Module Examiner; Trinidad and Tobago Institute of Banking and Finance, 2004-2015
  • Nominee Director, International Finance Corporation (IFC), Since 2013
  • Chairman, Jamaica 4-H Clubs, National Board of Directors, 2007-2012
  • Vice Chairman, College of Agriculture, Science & Education (CASE), 2007-2011; served as Chairman of its Audit and Corporate Governance Committees
  • Director, Heart Trust/National Training Agency, 2007-2012; served as Chairman of its Corporate Governance Committee and HR Committees
  • Director/Company Secretary, Central Information Technology Office (CITO), 2007-2012; served as a member of its Human Resource Committee, CITO, 2008-2012
  • Director, Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), 2007-2011; served as member of its Audit Committee. pioj.gov.jm/…/Annual%20Report%202010%20%20REVISED
  • Convenor & Founding CEO, Jamaica Chapter, World Council for Corporate Governance, 2005-2012. http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20051028/social/social5.html
  • Member, Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ), Corporate Governance Committee, 2005-2008. http://old.psoj.org/committee00.html
  • Member, Jamaica Stock Exchange Best Practice Awards Committee, 2005-2008
  • Shadow Spokesman on Emerging Technologies, Jamaica Labour Party, 2000-2001: http://jamaicagleaner.com/gleaner/20000228/news/n2.html
  • Founding Executive Director, Generation 2000 (Professional Group of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), 1999-2001. http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20010901/lead/lead4.html
  • Director, Kiwanis Club of Liquanea, Kingston, Jamaica, 1994-2000
    1. Current and past membership in professional and service organizations:
  • International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN), since 2010
  • Kiwanis Club of Liguanea, 1994-2004
  • Jamaica Agricultural Society (JAS), since 1986
  • Jamaica 4-H Clubs, since 1980

Scholarly and Professional Awards:

  • Scholar, 2010 International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN), Award was received in Toronto, Canada at the ICGN Annual Conference. https://www.icgn.org/scholarships/item/1377-foundation-scholars
  • Fellow, Organization of American States (OAS), 1995-1997 (Studied for MBA at Rutgers University)
  • British Chevening Scholar, 1995
  • First Jamaica Agricultural Development Foundation (JADF)/Carlton Alexander Scholar, 1989-1991
  • Agricultural Credit Bank Scholar, 1989
  • First George Beckford Scholar, College of Agriculture, Science, & Education (CASE), 1986
  • Outstanding Community Service Award (1994), Kiwanis Club of Liguanea, Jamaica Certificate of Award, Portland 4-H Advisory Council for Outstanding Contribution to the development of 4-H Clubs in that Parish, 1988
  1. Short Courses Attended
  • Finance for Non-Financial Managers, Jamaica Producers Group, Hudson & Associates, UK, 02/94
  • Enterprise-wide Risk Management Training Workshops delivered by world-renowned Dr. Robert Mark of Black Diamond Risk Enterprises, CA, USA, (60 hours during 2006-2008), Trinidad and Jamaica
  • Training & Certification Course for Company Directors, PSOJ/Commonwealth Association for Corporate Governance Seminar, Couples Sans Souci, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, July 18-23, 2002
  • Banking Risk Management, National Commercial Bank (NCB) Training Course, Peter Savill (Savill Consulting), Australia, held in Kingston, Jamaica, March 1999
  • Corporate Work-out and Risk Management, NCB Training Course, Checkney & Associates, UK,1998

Visibility: Media Appearances (Interviews, Discussions, Quotations, Commentaries):

  • UWI TODAY with Kirk Francois. Above Board: Why to be effective ‘T&T’s corporate governance Code’ must be a national policy. page 5 Sunday 23 April, 2017
  • Guardian Business Watch with Judi Kanhai, March 21, 2017. Discussed various ethical and corporate governance issues surrounding the splitting of the Tourism Development Company Limited and pending closer of Caroni Greens Limited. http://www.cnc3.co.tt/business-watch/business-watch-caroni-green-limited-workers-appeal-govt-not-shut-down-company
  • Business Day (of the Trinidad and Tobago Newsday). Quoted extensively on Transparency International CP1 2016 Scores and implications of the Caribbean, page 3, February 2, 2017.http://www.newsday.co.tt/businessday/0,239260.html  
  • The Observer Radio, Antigua (The Big Issues with Rory Butler). Discussed the Antigua-based Meinl Bank and Odebrecht Construction Company of Brazil Bribery Scandal, Sunday January 8, 2017, 1:00-2:00pm    
  • Guardian Business Watch with Judi Kanhai, March, May and August 2014. Discussed various ethical and corporate governance issues surrounding the First Citizens Bank IPO saga and the TCL Shareholder ousting of Directors:
  • Appeared on RJR Communications Group (Jamaican Morning) with host and interviewer Allan Magnus, November 20, 2012 Discussed Learning and Development for Corporate Secretaries and their teams
  • Appeared on Television Jamaica (Smile Jamaica) with host and interviewer Simone Clarke-Cooper, October 19, 2012. Discussed the Governance Role of Corporate Secretaries and their teams
  • Appeared on Television Jamaica (TVJ) (Impact) with host and interviewer Cliff Hughes, March 7, 2012. Discussed the Corporate Governance Framework for Public Bodies (September 2011)
  • Appeared on Nationwide News Network (This Morning) with hosts and interviewers Emily Crooks and Naomi Francis, February 29, 2012. Discussed the appointment of the Board of Directors of Public Bodies of Jamaica.
  • Feature Article: Corporate Governance the Way Forward (Part 1), Monday April 2, 2005, by Barbara Ellington
  • “GovStrat and JEF organise corporate governance seminar”, Business, Sunday Gleaner, October 2, 2005, C3
  • Review of Effective Corporate Governance with Ronald Thwaites on Independent Talk, Tuesday July 11, 2005, 8:10am
  • Discussed Corporate Governance and Corruption on Real Business with Ralston Hyman and Audrey Richards, Power 106 FM, June 23, 2005
  • Commentator, Moral Authority and Governance, Power 106 FM, Tuesday June 21, 2005, 7:05pm
  • Commentator, Making a Mockery of Boardroom Independence & Governance, Power 106 April 14, 2005, 7:34pm
  • Book Launch presentation live National broadcast from the Nationwide News Network Broadcast from the Knutsford Court Hotel (April 4, 2005)
  • Vindel Kerr presents Book to Prime Minister Patterson, March 30, 2005, The Daily Gleaner
  • Discussed Corruption and Governance with Hamlin Grange, Derval Malcolm and Trevor Munroe, Good Evening Jamaica, Power 106 FM, 5:30pm, March 28, 2005
  • Featured by Financial Gleaner, Vindel Kerr Among Who’s Who, May 8, 2004.
  • Featured in the Financial Gleaner, Corporate Governance Takes Centre StageAugust 8, 2003, pgs. 4 and 17

Contact Us

If you are interested in one or more of Dr. Kerr’s services, give us a call or drop us a line today:

  • vindelkerr@cwjamaica.com or
  • govstratltd@gmail.com
  • govstrat@cwjamaica.com
  • Web
  • Visit www.vindelkerr.com
  • www.corporategovernanceadvisors.com
  • Office:
  • (Jamaica) 1(876) 960-5356
  • Mobile:
  • (Jamaica) 1(876) 324-0606
  • (Jamaica) 1(876) 561-1046
  • (Trinidad) 1(868) 740-0168
  • .

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